Nine Months

I cannot believe my sweet, sweet girl is nine months old! How is it possible that we are only three months away from her first birthday? (Sniff sniff)

This past month was incredible – I am in awe of how much she has grown and changed!





I really feel that developmentally, she grew by leaps and bounds in the last month. She is so smart, and so curious and is always learning!

Some highlights:

  • Finally started sleeping through the night
  • Crawls everywhere – and is so fast!
  • Can pull herself up to a standing position
  • Waves and claps
  • Says “mama” “dada” and “hi”
  • Cut her first tooth

I honestly thought that she was going to be toothless and bald forever :) But in the last month, her hair has started to fill in and the DAY before she turned nine months, that dang tooth finally popped through!

She weighs 18 pounds and is officially outgrowing her 6-12 month clothing! In some things (like pants and pjs) she is in 18 month clothes! She is a loooong string bean :)

In the last month, she started swim lessons; saw her first Patriots SuperBowl win; and experience her first real, true New England winter.

We started feeding her more of the food that we eat – she does an awesome job at just “gumming” her food down! She eats three solid meals a day in addition to six – 5 ounce bottles of formula, plus snacks! She loves to eat and will try anything we put in front of her!

The saddest thing (for me anyway) is that I finally weaned her. We did this at the same time we started sleep training her, and it was just time. I wasn’t producing enough for her and she was using me as a pacifier and neither of us were sleeping well. Since I weaned her, I’ve noticed a big increase in how much she eats and when, and we both sleep amazing!

Waking up to her smiling face with her big blueberry eyes – is what I live for. I look forward to each new day, because it’s always different and exciting.

My Gracie, I love you to the moon and back – and then some!!


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