It’s quite possible that this blog will go a little radio silent in the next few weeks. With next week comes the end of tax season (halle-freaking-lujah!!!), and the last two weeks of this month are just JAM-packed. So as a nice Five on Friday twist, I thought I would share a few of these events!
{one} Blog Beautiful Boston: I signed up for an all-day workshop on how to better use photography for blogging, and I am so excited. I joined the Boston Bloggers network, and have started to make some great connections. I’m looking forward to meeting some of these lovely ladies in person, and learning a few tips!
{two} Pre-Cana Marriage Prep classes at our church: This class covers two weekends (Friday nights and Sunday afternoons) and is a big time commitment, but we loved our class so much, we didn’t hesitate when we were asked to participate. We have parts on a discussion panel on “the decision to love, and a 7 minute talk about family, what it looks like, is and means to us.
{three} Eric Church: For Valentine’s Day, we bought tickets to see Eric the next time he was in town. We have never missed one of his shows – he is our absolute favorite and our wedding song was to his song “Like Jesus Does”. My mom is even keeping the baby overnight (only her second sleepover ever!) since it’s on a weeknight and the concert will likely end late. Not gonna lie, looking forward to a mini date night!
{four} September 2012 Brides Aquarium Day: Let me explain Before I got married I joined and found my “month board”. Eventually we branched off to a Facebook group and for the past four years, we have been involved in each other’s lives on a near daily basis. Since everyone is spread across the US and Canada, we don’t have much of a chance to meet in real life! But every now and then we’ll plan more regional meetups, and there are several girls who live near me that I’ve become great friends with. We are planning a meetup in the next few weeks and bringing our kids to the aquarium for the day, and then going to dinner. I can’t wait to see Gracie’s reaction to the fish and penguins!
{five} Chicago the Musical: A few Fridays back, I posted about my friend Meghan, who is an amazing singer. She is playing a lead role in Chicago at a local theater, and a few friends are getting together for dinner and then the show. I know she is going to rock it, and I can’t wait!
Above and beyond all of this, a month from today is Gracie’s first birthday! We have special plans for her actual birthday, and then her birthday party and a cake smash photo shoot! So if I’m a bit scarce around these parts for the next few weeks, I hope you won’t forget me! I’m always on Instagram, so follow me there for updates! @gentelly
Anyone have a crazy busy spring planned? What’s going on in your world?